Sunday, August 12, 2012

Best Seller

    The hit movie "The Hunger Games" brought in a record $152.5 million in North America alone. The best selling book would make you feel as if you were in the arena running for your life. I got hooked on the books and the movie myself because I had heard so much rave about how outstanding the plot was. Some people even said it was better than the Twilight series! Now that I look back on didn't take much convincing for me to read all of the Hunger Games series. Why is it so easy for me, and pretty much the whole population, to get hooked on a best seller so quickly? Well, because we hear about how great it is and we constantly see commercials about the special date of the opening show. So, if we can get on the Hunger Games bandwagon so quickly then why cant we do the same with God. Most "Christians" call themselves believers if they just go to church and they only get a sermon. But that means nothing if they don't apply it. Most people also don't realize that we need to develop a deep relationship with Christ. I talk to my God the way I would talk to my family. I try to treat Him just like He is my worldly family. In the past couple years I have had the worst luck with getting friends that truly care about me and ones that try to get to know me to become good friends. Almost every time I lost one of my past friends I felt let down and I felt like I wasn't good enough for them.That is exactly how God feels when you don't get to know him or take others peoples advice when they say the Lord is just so amazing. Now there is several movies about God but none of them are 100% true. The only book that is 100% right is the bible. It is a lot harder for people to get quickly attached to the bible than it is to get attached to the Hunger Games. But what if the same amount of the Hunger Games viewers became engrossed in God? We would all have some sort of deep family relationship with God. Doesn't that sound like it would last a lot longer than the effect of a good movie? So how do we make God our best seller? Get to know Him! You are never gonna have a full understanding of God if you don't have an amazing understanding of God. Get to know Him just like you would get to know someone before you start hanging out with or before you start dating someone. I know I said we should get so interested in God quickly but God wants you to get to know Him. Not rush into something that you feel like you need to do. Because just like how your favorite movie becomes your fifth favorite as more best sellers come out. God will become your fifth best seller if you rush into the relationship and don't get to know Him. I challenge you this week to think about what you favorite book or movie is. And is that book or movie the best seller over God in your heart? Because God cant share your heart with what your heart desires. Be that friend that tells others about the best seller who's main character is Jesus Christ. Because I can guarantee that they will get hooked on the events that are actually real unlike any other best sellers.

Word of the Day: "That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death..."
                                                                        ~Philippians 3:10

1 comment:

  1. Nice insight girl! But I would challenge you to reword the part that says the only book that is close to 100% is the Bible. I would definatley say it is 100% true!

    see you monday

