"The attempt of a nation to defy the course of its judgment, apart from repentence, will, instead, set in motion a chain of events to bring about the very calamity it sought to avert." This is stated in the book The Harbinger which is about a nation that does not choose to have God included in the ways of life. The most ironic thing about this book is that the nation being described in the plot is our world today. The plot is based out of the Isaiah 9:10 effect of a nation crumbling and coming back then curriculating again. The sinful nature around us has become such a huge part of how we think and live our lives. The bottom line is that the world needs to turn back to God because the end is coming. This is not a rush invitation for nonbelievers to run to God with mercy or believes to also make their faith " flawless". This is the time for us to look past what
scares us the most in this world so we can bring God into this world. People often wonder where God is when loved ones die or there is a mass bombing or a school shooting but yet we don't let him into our world. The destruction around us is cold hard evidence that these events have become so systematic pointing to end. Look closer and read Proverbs 3:24-35. Verse 24 basically a reassures us that if we let our guards down then our sleep will be sweet and in presence of the Lord. The next two verses (25-26) are two key things to remember in this sinful world. When sudden terror comes along we aren't to be afraid. I know it sounds crazy especially considering all the acts of terror that have of occurred recently but it really shouldn't if we have God in our lives. If we have confidence in our Lord through terror then it really isn't terror. Going head to head with the sin and terror of this world is easier said than done but it can be done. Through the
Lord is the only way to see the light at the end of this long tunnel.
According to verse 27 our faith is to not be withheld from others in need. We often do not reach out to those that pretty much just scare us or even annoy us. I mean how often does a follower of Christ go up to a terrorist and start a conversation about believing in God? Right! Almost NEVER. But we need to pull back the haze in our minds so we can use our God given powers to share the news with those in need. We all have the power to spread the word as a child of God but we need to recognize our powers. The world changes so rapidly that we need to be even more aware of the deterioration of the world around us. To rely on God is to be complete in life because he is life. So when God is yanked out of the world the terror of this world seems so much worse even though the magnitude doesn't get worst but just the reoccurence of it.
The next verses of 29 through 32 talk about how we should deal with evil. We shouldn't repay evil for evil. I know that's easier said then done because especially when someone hurts a mass amount of people, we all want to show our nations pride by speaking against the "evil one" with harsh words and actions. But if we go to their level we are becoming them and we end up dispising ourselves. Now in verse 31 and 32 I'm sure most of us are not envious of the Boston bomber or those responsible for 9/11. But the thing that this verse points out that we need to keep in mind is that God see's their violence as a disgust while the upright have confidence. So BE RIGHTEOUS! Because apart from a return to God, the root issuse remains untouched and will manifest again in a different form (The Harbinger). Have you ever noticed how we have solved our nations problems?
We solved 9/11 by using more and more homeland security along with wars in Afganistan. Problems get "solved" by using military and politics basically and how do you think that's working for us? And what about the Sandy Hook shooting? Or the Boston bombing? Do you think God was in the hearts and minds of those involved or even the superior powers of the US? This makes us question, what's coming next?
The point is that its not the matter that these events are happening because the world is horrific. I mean were all turning into "zombies" and the worlds gonna end, is pushing God into a therorectical text to keep him from schools, family,love, politics, and war are all separate! But this is where we need to question why we have created God in our minds but only in certain places! In order to bring this all together let's look at the Isaiah 9:10 effect and also read verse 11. It states that a nations shaking is followed by a second downfall. And both verses prove that a vow of defiance and the prophecy of the future go hand in hand. We can't just take the problems of our world and just deal with the symptoms, that won't solve the true problem. That is why we need God because he has the cure to this cruel world. This passage also points to the problems that Israel had faced in their down fall because they were separated from God. I know I keep saying
it but our nation is done for it if we don't make God the center of it with no regrets! We need to rebuild our strong forces with stones in place of the fallen bricks and cedars in place of the cut down sycamores plus turn to God so we will be the strongest force known to man. We are to following our God given paths and spreading the gospel so getting catch up in these events of terror is shear proof that the devil is diverging us from our glory. Make your goal for life to be getting God into our nation. God created it but yet he is not included in it so therefore our world seems worse than it actually is. So let's do more then let him in let us welcome him with arms wide open ready for a change of heart.
Word of the day: "When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is
~Proverbs 10:19
Thanks for tackling this subject and doing it so well. You are right every time something happens all you here is blame, revenge, increased security,etc. Instead of increased prayers, forgiveness, tolerance,etc. Bring back school prayer, pledge of allegiance,etc. We as a nation and as individuals need to turn to God first.
ReplyDeleteThank you....I was hoping you would like it! And yeah it is honestly sad to see God taken out of something he creared.