Mothers are among the people we love the most if not the most. Not matter how close we are to our fathers or brothers or sisters or even friends. We all have a special connection to our mother's. I mean we were developed in our moms for 9 months so I'd say we have a rather special bond with them. Now mother's day might be a good thing or a bad thing for people because deaths or bad relationships might ruin this for some people. But mother's day becomes something that allows us to remember our moms and honor them. Like I might be hard for some of us to be happy on this day but the Lord calls us to do just that. From the beginning of time the Lord himself set our mother's as the ones who are mother of all the living. Eve was just that....she was set to be the mother of all living and I'd say that sets a pretty big responsibility on women. Besides the typical view of what women are to do, such as cooking and cleaning while caring for the kids, women are to keep the household mentally sound and stable. Women are naturally the more emotional since the beginning of creation.
The importance of women is so diverse all over the world. In the Middle East women are to covered up as a sign of respect around all ages of men. Verses here in the United States women virtually do whatever they want physically and emotionally to others. This view of women through other people's eyes around the world hinders a level of respect but I feel like the ideal of motherhood never changes. The point of this lesson isn't to tell you how amazing your mother is, even though that's something we should all be reminded of, but I think we need to see how God views the importance if women. In Leviticus 19:3 God calls us to revere to our parents and his own Sabbath's. Now all parents are gonna read this and think it's about time children appreciate them. Children should do this but when it's hard for them to connect to their mother or father they need to be reminded of Gods words. He wants us to take the heed of our parents because it benefits us. Our mothers were set to be in our lives for reason. God knew these women in each one of our lives would test us, make us angry, excite us, love us, and all of the above. But all these pros and cons make a beautiful recipe for a dynasty of God's children.
We said how we should love our mother's because they basically brought us into this world. But they gave us so much more....actually God did through them. We are a called blessing through Christ that can into the world through our chosen mother's. God can make even the most barren women an oracle for joyous praise for the Lord by giving her children. Children are as fit to their mothers as the mothers are to their children. I think that it is just so amazing how God made us to fit to close to the hearts of our mothers. When you ask what most people remember about their mother's through their childhood its either the way they rocked them to sleep or the certain way they would make their breakfast in the morning. Mothers are made in the resemblance of the Lord to physically love us the way the Lord himself loves us everyday.
Word of the Day: "And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh."
~Ezekiel 11:19
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