Can you imagine being blind? Just think about can't see ANYTHING. Not your family, your house, your clothes, what your eating, not even your special someone. Don't you think our relationships would be a lot different if others knew we couldn't see? I mean, seriously...wouldn't our boyfriend or girlfriend not worry about looking so nice? Or wouldn't our enemies shoot endless dirty looks or way? Sadly I am sure this is reality for most of the blind. I mean my sight has never been impaired but I can imagine that they can sense and even feel the mood of the people even when they are not speaking. Even blind people are still normal people. But in a sense, our outward appearance tends to automatically act differently. With our eyes closed there is an unbelievable number of things that could happen.
I once heard that things such as praying and kissing are done with your eyes closed because something's are not seen but felt. Now I may not have that analogy spot on but isn't that so true. Have your ever tried prayer with your eyes closed and then with your eyes opened? For me, the only reason I pray with my eyes open is if I want to stay awake as I lie in bed! But most people do pray with their eyes closed. There's just something about blocking the world out that makes your Jesus love go crazy. For those times during the day that you pray you may feel like when you close your eyes God has just got to fulfill it because you just felt it! That right there is belief that God WILL do what is planned.
Being a girl in high school or just a girl in general you, by nature, worry about having a boyfriend. It is just a natural process of any teenaged girl. Sadly most girls just choose any guy to fill that teenage dream but I felt that God has called me to a higher plan. I was like any other high school girl feeling down because there aren't a bunch of prince charming's walking through the halls of a high school. It got to a certain point that I just prayed and prayed that God had that handsome and Godly man waiting for me in college. This is now truly one aspect of my life where having my eyes closed about any relationship a GOOD thing. Just in closing my eyes to this I am able to feel confident and I'm not burdened with constant worry about everything working out. I had actually handed it over to God and I will tell you that handing anything over to God is the ABSOLUTE BEST thing you could ever do here on earth.
Keeping our eyes closed through certain seasons of our lives allows us to grow our relationship with Christ all over the place. Now that might sound dumb because when we think about our relationship with Christ we think of a straight path that we just look onward to. But when our relationship with Christ tends to become cumbersome and just flat out disoriented that's when it's at it's best! God grows in us and there's not telling of where and how it's going to even grow.
Have you closer your eyes one way or another and have missed some event or something life changing and your reaction is "oh man I always miss all the good stuff!" I think we all miss those times so God has the chance to show us things. This creates the fairytale feel for us that only magical things happen when we truly close our eyes. Like the analogy...that kisses and prayers aren't seen as "magical" but they are felt inside. Yeah, that might sound all mushy and all but just wrap your mind around the concept of closed eyes being better than wide open eyes sometimes.
This week...evaluate what your life is actually like with your eyes wide open and then close them. Just sit back and close them it might sound easier said than done, because it is. And no this lesson isn't just another lesson about turst, it is so much more than that. The thing is...only you can determine that because it's your magic to feel through Christ not mine. When we are oblivious to what is around us we can't get anxious about what is coming we can only be surprised and then filled with so much more joy. So get to closing your eyes and wait to see what miracles he has coming at you.
Word of the Day: "All that the father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me will never be cast out."
~John 6:37
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