Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Theory of Keep

    Keep, Keeping, Keeps, Kept (v): to be faithful to; in control; to refrain from granting, giving, or allowing; to cause to remain in a given place, situation, or condition; to refrain from revealing; to maintain or preserve.


Maintaining  or keeping things right can be a lot of work. We often don't recognize this in our relationships with Christ as well. In order to our unique connection with Christ going we all know that we have to continually seek him. In the bible definition above of to keep is clearly seen as a pivotal in the Christian faith. But instead of this being a long lesson of how I see keeping our words true through Christ lets have God do the talking and us do the thinking. Based on the brief definition above and the bible verses below think to yourself how it relates to you. Think of how such a simple and meaningless word like keep carries so much weight in our faith.

Exodus 31:13 tells us...
 “Tell the people of Israel: ‘Be careful to keep my Sabbath day, for the Sabbath is a sign of the covenant between me and you from generation to generation. It is given so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy."

Deuteronomy 7:8 tells us...
"But it is because the Lord loves you and is keeping the promise He made to your fathers. So the Lord brought you out by a strong hand. He set you free from the land where you were servants, and from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt."
2 Chronicles 34:31 tells us...
"Then the king stood in his place and made an agreement before the Lord. He agreed to follow the Lord, to obey His Laws with all his heart and soul, and to do what is written in the agreement in this book."
Psalm 15:4 tells us...
"He looks down upon a sinful person, but honors those who fear the Lord. He keeps his promises even if it may hurt him."
Ecclesiastes 3:6 tells us...
"There is a time to try to find, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away. "
Romans 14:22 tells us...
"Keep the faith you have between yourself and God. A man is happy if he knows he is doing right."

    Take time to evaluate what needs to be kept safe and what needs to be thrown out for God, not yourself. Make sure you keep just the right amount of love of Christ in your heart so you can live for him.

Need Prayer? Message me at and tell me what's on you're heart, in complete confidentially. Even if its prayer for someone else.

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