We make decisions our whole lives. We make the decision to get out of the bed in the morning. To brush our teeth. To eat that fating doughnut or to go for the banana. To take the stairs or the elevator. To agree to having a relationship with your coworker. To buy a used car to save on money. And the ultimate one you can almost guess...to follow Christ or not.
When you think of making life changing decisions you probably do not think about what kind of toothpaste you choose as your top choice of reason. But surprisingly, even the little decisions we make are what add up to create the life we are living. I mean really think about it. It you chose to not brush your teeth you would first have really bad breath but you would have a decline in your health and risk containing mouth illnesses. If we did not decide to get out of bed in the morning we would not have a job or a life for that matter. We have to go through life, get out of the bed, and go make decisions for ourselves!
People all around the world make thousands of decisions from what sandwich to eat for lunch to saying yes to a marriage proposal. Not all decisions are easy ones to face let alone decide on. We have all been there and done that. To me decision making is one of those things you love and never regret only until you make the right one. It is definitely hard to find the right happy ending. We often get our wants mixed with the worlds views and that altogether pushes God's plans to the side. So let us take a deeper look into what the art of decision making is like and is all about. Even if you are not in the most of a huge decision making state this information is stuff that will always be useful.
I am at a time in my life right now where the two biggest and toughest decisions need to be made of my teenage life. The choice of which college to go to and the dropping of one job to have more benefits at another. They both have their deep thought on how hard they are to decide on which are details we will leave out for times sake. But I have noticed that it consumes. The one college I choose to go to will be the result of how well I perform my future job and how I get there. And the job matter will determined how much I earn for college. They are problem two of the several hard decisions I have had to make in my life and it just seems as if it gets harder and harder. It is very tough trying to put your feelings aside and say "Hey God, I know you got this one. I am trusting you. Just tell me when I can look at the master plan you got there."
I think it is the matter of this world being scared of being let down. If we do not make the right choices and the right way to go in our lives then our lives could potentially go down a rough patch. We often stop and realize that we need to pray to God for what to do. But how many times have you prayed this very same prayer and did whatever you wanted anyways? I can confess and say I am guilty. It was and still is a weakness of mine to take the decision making into my own hands. The whole matter of praying is a wonderful idea until we get to the point that Christ is just someone we talk to and never react with. We often get our thoughts confused and we end up not realizing what the true task at hand was in the first place. The road of decision making seems to be a long and dark one for us all doesn't it? Well to me it definitely is because I am probably one of the most indecisive person on the face of the earth. I just think that making a decision of something is what requires the most thought because it is an action or thing that you could potentially be stuck with for the rest of your life.
Some of your might be reading this and saying "Well I actually like making decisions because it tends to take a load off of my back, so its really not that bad for me." I understand that and man do I give you props for if you think that! The absolute bottom line is making decisions is hard. It could make or break you. You could love it or you could hate. You could be stuck or you could be saved. Now this is the point where I bring out the typical message that is to be relayed of how important it is to choose God. While that is very true...there is a concept that some might not have considered in this light yet. The way you decide on this earth will determine everything. We need to have God in the middle of the decision control center of our life. Of course God isn't going to give us the key of where to exactly go in order to reach our full happiness but he will guide us if we sit back and let him lead.
We often think that once we make a decision it cannot be undone. Well for some cases that might absolutely be the case but wouldn't you think that if it can't possibly change then its for the best? If God wants you to be led to something then he will lead you to it but you have to go through with it to see what he has in store. We need to take those chances of making the risky decision of life. Change is a good thing. It is how we grow and we can only do that by trusting in Christ. I'm sure you have the time of decision making coming up soon if it is not already there. When this time approaches you.. first stop and think of what both sides would be like if you chose them. Have in your mind which one you would want to be in your life and question yourself why. Just relax while you do this. Then go through all possible actions and positive plus negative things that can come out of this. Then bring this before Christ and state why as well has how this decisions is going through your mind. Be continuous in prayer and God will set the right feelings of this vision in your heart.
The key here is to believe. I am not talking about the cheesy magic of a a fairy tale...I am talking about your faith. When you have this decision that needs to be made take it and be confident in it. If it is truly what God wants for your life plan then it will be in it. You need to choose and be strong in that but when or if the Lord has plans other wise you will quickly learn why plans change for the better.
For the Lord says...
"My child, don't forget what I teach you. Always remember what I tell you to do. My teaching will give you a long and prosperous life. Never let go of loyalty and faithfulness. Tie them around your neck; write them on your heart. If you do this, both God and people will be please with you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way. Never let yourself think that you are wiser than you are; simply obey the Lord and refuse to do wrong. If you do, it will be like good medicine, healing your wounds and easing your pains. Honor the Lord by making him an offering from the best of all that your land produces."
~Proverbs 3:1-9
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