Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and
forth. You hear the soothing sound of the waves of a lake break the silence as
a boat streams by on a Sunday afternoon. The sound is so beautiful. You begin to
slip away. Surrounded in the fresh breath of life that the breeze is breathing
into you so you can stay afloat in this life that is drowning you…How can
something so beautiful be created for us?
A lake looks so
simple and you might think…it’s just water in a giant hole. But have you ever
stopped and looked at that “simple” lake? I mean really LOOK at that lake.
Where I live, there is a lake that’s a bike ride away from my house. I never
took advantage of it. Yeah I always thought it was pretty and I wish I could go
boating or just have fun on the water. But I never really stopped to realize
how truly beautiful the lake was. The lake is now my place to connect with God
during my quiet times and it’s also my go to place when I need God’s beauty to
surround me. Just like the lake, there are several earthly items that get
called beautiful but never get admired. Right now I want you to go outside and
look very closely at a tree. I know I know, you’re probably saying “Yeah okay, I’m
just going to keep reading. I know what a tree looks like.” Just do it! I will
Vastly winding in a dark manner as the abundance of life consumes every
corner. I see a splash of beauty. Its detail is unlike any other. The veins of
small growing portions are over flowing with life. These leaves show me I have
a God. This detailed trunk shows me I have a God. These invisible roots
underneath my feet…show me that I have a
God. This is what I see when I look at a tree. Did you see how much detail
and thought is in one simple tree? When God created the earth He took His time.
He knew what He was doing and just like how we all have little details about
us, so does our world. But, did you know that the creator of the earth is not
of our world? Chances are… you know that. BUT, did you know that God walked the
earth but He is not of the earthly flesh?
“My kingdom is not an
earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being
handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my kingdom is not of this world.” (John
18:36) In this verse, Jesus tells us that his kingdom is considered,
not of this world. Now, put two and two together. The nature around us seems so
amazing and our God is not of this world. Yes! He created all of that but His
creations declare the mysterious about Him. Now I’m not saying that God is an
alien because He is anything but. I challenge you this week to stop and smell
the roses. Really dig deep to see how God is not of this world. Once you do
that you will discover that Gods love, character, hope, and even His life are
like no other. Remember that you can’t get a love like the Lords anywhere else.
Our Lord is like no other, HE IS OUR ONE AND ONLY LOVE!!!
Word for the Day: “For
we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weakness, but
we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are-yet he did not
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