One day you might describe your best friend as honest, loyal, loving, caring, and the best friend you have ever had. But the next you could be calling them rude, a liar, stupid, and the worse friend you have ever had. Here on earth humans cant keep a relationship without messing it up at least once. Think about all of your relationships you ever had...have any of them ever been perfect?? I know every single relationshipI have ever had has been far from perfect. And we should be glad they aren't perfect because when we go through trials in a relationship that allows us to have room to become stronger in ourselves and the ones we are close to. Right now evaluate your much love are you getting from those around you? Are you getting sold short of the love you should be receiving from those around you? One solution to this problem is to show your own love so you can receive it. But did you know that there is one person that constantly shows you love without any delay? If you look at it this way, God was made to love us. And we were made to receive it and share it. "We love each other because he loved us first" ~1 John 4:19. This shows how we are to be expected to love each other. Going back to how we cant have perfect is hard to love someone that can inflict any kinda of pain on us. We can love God, who we cant physically see but we cant love people here on earth which we can see. Do you see see pattern? God can love us unconditionally but we have kinks in the way we show love. We all know that God loves the world and everything in it. But I don't think we realize the impact of his love. If God never showed love...we would not be here. Can you imagine loving the whole world? That's a lot of stinking hugs and kisses! That seems so far fetch for us because we aren't expected to love the entire world perfectly. God is the only one that achieve that humanly impossible task. We are to look up to God for that and love as much as we can. Most people say they can't show love to a person because that person treated them wrong. Every half of a second someone sins and treats God wrong. But does he ever stop loving them? This is a harsh truth that we are faced with. Psalm 89:33 states the outstanding attitude that we should wear daily... "but I will never stop loving him nor fail to keep my promise to him." I mainly touched base on us needing to show love to others like God does. But also understand this, you need to love and respect yourself and God above all else before you spread it around the world. I don't want you to read this and think " Wow Kaitlyn, this is a lot of rules I need to follow to just love people like God!" but don't think of love as coming with a manual because it doesn't! Nobody knows how to love. And that's okay! But I know this one big guy in the sky that does and when you rest your eyes on him, loving others even through the toughest times will become as natural as breathing. Gods character is based on love. If he didn't love us then he wouldn't be caring, faithful, forgiving, patient, or there for us at all. He is made for this love! Just think, if God didn't love us then he could of told Jonah "Hey get out of the whale yourself, whales gotta eat too ya know!" Or he could of told Noah "Oh yeah did i forget to mention there is gonna be a flood? should of built a giant arc and that's why all the animals came to you. Oops!" Yeah, God shows us love just when we need it. And that's why we need to embrace it and make it a part of ourselves and let that show through us above all else. If you ever think that God doesn't love you.... think again because your still breathing right? And he gave his only son for you and me. How is that love for ya, giving up your son? Once we don't feel loved or don't show it, we automatically drop our sense of realization. We drop our spirits and all that defines us because we don't feel loved. Not only is love a powerful 4 letter word, it also has a lot of power of impact on anything. If you feel loved in your life or not, this week I challenge you to evaluate your life and how love is incorporated in it. Once you find it, value that and expand that love. Next find how God shows his miraculous love to you even when you don't deserve it and hold on dear to that. It's inviting and comforting to discover the love shown to you in your life so why not find it. And once you find the one and only love of our Lord and Savior, you life will show you so many more open doors.
Word of the Day: "I have always loved you" says the lord...
~Malachi 1:2
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