Sunday, June 2, 2013

Common Christian

        Being called a Christian is an honest privilege. Now, sadly when most people get the chance to be called something they want to hear gorgeous or handsome rather than a outstanding child of God. It just might not sound appealing because not everyone buys into religion, and therefore everyone wants to be loved across the board. But the point is just that....since we are Christians that's how others see us, at least that's how they SHOULD see us. Some times that image fades because we get too comfortable. Think about how you feel when you are truly feel good right? Being comfortable is something everybody loves because there is no worries whatsoever. And that is the mind set we get when we get comfortable with God. Now I'm not saying that we have to be uncomfortable with God because we are to act like he is our father, he should be the one person that you are most comfortable with. The problem comes in when we get too comfortable and take advantage of God. I often find myself day in and day out telling myself that I will sit down tonight and do my quiet time. But I get too comfortable with it from the beginning because I know I could find a verse for the day and carry it in my mind all day but I tell myself ill just pray on my way to school. Well guess what, that gets put off as well. I then get the thoughts that its okay if I just miss one day of praying or devotions and just talking to God altogether. You know what that's called? This is called living without God. When we tell ourselves that its just "no big deal" or ill "do it later" we are putting God aside without guilt at first because we know God loves us. Has there ever been a time where someone you showed so much love, passion, guidance, and just every ounce of energy to that just pushes you under the rug? The sad thing is...the average person experiences this at least once in there lifetime. When it happens to us it just flat out stinks because our emotions and trust that we willing out there isn't accepted. And being sinners, we are unlike God, because get upset and hate the person for it. We lose our love for those that hurt us and don't return the interest. But God never loses that. So why should we be the bad friend that treats God they we are treated? It seems so easy to just become a common Christian. Read our bibles just when we are told to in church. Go to church when we feel like it. Put off our devotions. Tell others advice of the Lord but do the opposite ourselves. Its SO easy to fall into that trap and its even harder to get out. God calls us to be his children but there is no place in the bible that says, "Ah just give it a little effort and don't stress over reading your bible everyday cause you don't really need it because I will just except you." Even IF that was written in the bible, do you think you would do it? Some people would look at that and see a free ticket out of the tough times of being a Christian. We should look at that mind set and say no. No because I am not just a child of God, I am a messenger of God himself that calls me to be like him and if I am going to do just that I will be anything but common. You might think...well what if I can only be common because that sounds hard and I think I can love and praise God just the way I am. You all know that everyone was created with a set purpose in the eyes of God but he never said that you could never expand that purpose farther in the same direction. Think of coming down to earth. Every human being is just set onto the earth and has their own specific tablet that is clean. We are set at the "default" setting. But each tablet is different because everyone is made different. One might say doctor, youth pastor, farmer, motivational speaker, lawyer, it could say anything. But each and every person has a set destination. We are ALL called to take that life long "tablet" and carry it through our hearts so God can write our story onto it. We are called to grow and become outstanding! We are NOT called to just be common Christians!! We need to reflect that glory of Christ himself! So be outrageous and overwhelming with your love for Christ because that's how God's love feels flowing through your veins! Crush the common and make your God even more proud.

Word of the Day:  "No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light."
                                            ~Luke 8:16

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