Sunday, June 9, 2013

Motivational Christian

    We have all heard of the thousands of motivational speakers out there. I never really listen to motivational speakers because I always feel like they just try to gloss over the real problems of life. The main points most of these speakers talk about is fear, attitude, patience, anger, and life itself. And while most speakers like this can be quiet humorous it seems like they say to keep a positive attitude even though life tends to bring you down. I am not saying in any way that you shouldn't listen to motivational speakers because they have some great points. But what you should do is be your own motivational speaker. I know not everyone is he best public speaker or is even good at thinking of good debate topics. But everyone has the ability to enlighten and brighten. As children of God, we are called to not only hold firm through the storms but we are to get something positive out of it. Probably the first time I really sat down and watched a motivational speaker was just recently.

    The man's name is Sam Glenn and he is not only an outstanding motivational speaker but he is also hilarious! I'm telling you, go look him up on YouTube and it will definitely lighten any bad mood that you ever have. He tells so many misfortune stories that have happened to him or to others and he uses that to spread motivation around the world. Now you might be thinking that you have been through a couple rough patches but that doesn't mean that you can just go out there and use that as motivation to others. Your right...we can't all do it at first but we CAN all do it. Why do you think God gives us those trials? You think that he tests us just so we get worn down? Or do you think he is making you stronger to be the ultimate motivational speaker of Christ? Being a motivational speaker of Christ is something we should all strive to be. Being so excited for Christ doesn't mean that we are invincible to hurt and heartache it just shows that we can use it to better the nature of having a relationship with Christ.
        To some people motivational speakers might be super annoying. You know why? Because everything they talk about convicts everyone at least in one aspect. And that's our biggest flaw. We hate admitting that we fail to do something in life that we are just to scared to do. Don't let this scare you from being God's motivational speaker, because you will be questioned and belittled for your faith. But that's why you need this motivation! See how it just all connects? We need to stop being the people in the crowd that sit back and listen to the speaker on stage yelling what your life should really be like. We need to be the ones leaving only to travel the world to spread the motivation. Now this is much different from being a missionary. Taking on the job title as a speaker of Christ you will be put in the position of picking up other believers when they lose sight of the big picture. As a motivational speaker you aren't to change they way people are, you are to simply influence the way they think and how they live. They do the rest but it will never start unless you start talking. You have to be willing to share those stories that made us cry at the time but smile in the future. We have to come out of the tough times with a smile pointed to the big man upstairs or else our attitude will become everything we are. If you make the change to be the speaker, it wont be long till you see others behind you running to make their speeches.

Here is just a glimpse at how we should approach this (and you get to see some of Sam Glenn's humor!)

Word of the Day: " And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace."
                                                ~James 3:18

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