Sunday, December 29, 2013

Recognized Love

    "Be absolutely certain that our Lord loves you devotedly and individually loves you just as you are....Accustom yourself to the wonderful thought that God loves you with a tenderness, a generosity, and an intimacy that surpasses all your dreams."
                                                  ~Abbe Henri De Tourville 

    I found this interesting quote above in a little study book I got for Christmas. It is titled Extreme Love, it goes through and has little topics with verses and then it pretty much expands upon that. I just read the first couple pages and it came to me what this weeks lesson was to be about, which is gonna sound kind of weird. You might think throughout this lesson that this is not the mind of a Christian. That being this sure and worthy of something is not a good attribute in this case. Now it may be not as outrageous that I portraying it to be. The focus today is around the matter of putting ourselves into a mind set that we are able to have the abundant love and praise Christ has for us. We are to make ourselves sure that Christ loves us without a doubt with his whole heart. According to Abbe Tourville we are to be certain of the Lord's love for us. The word certain isn't always a word made of iron in our everyday sentences. The Free Dictionary website says that 'certain' means: fixed, sure to come or happen, inevitable, established beyond doubt or question, indisputable, capable of being relied on, having or showing confidence.

    That right there is a fantastic mindset that we need to set ourselves in when it comes to acknowledging the love that Christ inhabits. The clear objective is that Christ loves us. He looks at all the horrible, dirty, and unforgivable things we have done and are yet to do but he still persists to keep his arms wide open. If you are emotional like me, you have those times where you are so wore and just flat out done from all the mistakes in your life that you just fall into God's arms. It's that one tough day at work, or at school, or at practice, or taking the kids all over town, or in our relationships. We have all had those times were we cannot go any longer and the only way we can become undone is by taking a big ole trust fall into God's arms. You know, sometimes to me these are the best days out of all of them. The tough situations here on earth never measure up when I imagine myself in God's arms. It is such a beautiful image to think about being able to just fall into God's arms!

    God's love is something that words can't even pin down. His love is so mysterious yet lovely yet describable yet so...fulfilling. It is probably the only thing one this earth that has the true characteristics of being radically not of this world. Christ is physically dead and not here on earth. This would be the sad and horrible reality that we would have if God's love didn't exist. His love is what makes him here with us and in our motives everyday. His love and grace is what literally moves us! The sad part comes in when we don't recognize the experience we have with his love. He has so many trusts and promises with just his love that it is untouchable with the human mind. Of course we all know the story with the cross but do we really?

    The basic concept we hear is Christ died for us because he LOVES us. Christ came up from the dead because he LOVES us. Christ promised a return to us to bring us home because he LOVES us. There was not one action Christ did and still does that is without LOVE. Being able to show and even receive love may seem like and extremely simple concept but it's not. We could never be able to love like Christ did and still does. We would have to put aside all harsh feelings we have for others NO MATTER WHAT and love others for who they are beneath all the sin. The bottom line we all accept is Christ is the only one capable of the outstanding and indescribable love. And we miss out on a whole lot when we don't discover it. We might not experience his love if we are mad at him for unanswered prayers or even giving us more than we deserve. I would often get upset with Christ for not keeping me accountable for following him. That is a matter that is embarrassing to reveal because it's so hideous. In reality I knew that I was really upset with myself that I wasn't taking that obvious hand reaching out for me to come back to Christ.

    Like myself, thousands of people around the world deny the love of Christ because we often cover it up with worldly possessions and feelings. The sooner we realize that we are the precious treasure of the great price God paid the sooner we can be in God's arms. The least we can do for Christ is acknowledge the amazing effort that it took to succeed at making the whole world aware that he is the son of God. He has so much in store for us and it is possible to notice God without totally accepting his love. And his love is kind of like the glue that holds all of the pieces together. Our relationships with Christ are so dry and become nonexistent over time without his true love. It lies on us because God will give his love to anyone, we just need to accept it! Most of the time we don't accept his love because we feel as if we are not worth of it. Well yeah, Christ will ALWAYS be more than enough for our sinful nurtured hearts. But God calls us to feel and act that we deserve his love. As I was telling you about the study book consider this short passage from my readings today...

"Christian, believe this and think on it: You shalt be eternally embraced in the arms of that love which was from everlasting and will extend to everlasting. You will be embraced by that love which brought the Son of God's love from heaven to earth, from earth to the cross, from the cross to the grave, from the grave to glory. You will be in the arms of that love which was weary, hungry, tempted, scorned, scourged, buffeted, spit upon, crucified, and pierced; which did fast,pray, teach, heal, weep, sweat, bleed, and die. It will be loving and rejoicing, not loving and sorrowing." ("From Extreme Love, published by Barbour Publishing, Inc. Used by permission.")

    We need to live each day knowing that we have God's love and we have it with pride. One way to not think is that all (including God) should bow before us because of the great glory we have. Be sure with pride THROUGH Christ not above or beyond him because he will always be more than us. So I leave you with a challenge this week to believe in yourself. No, this is more than a cheesy inspirational message you hang around your house. Believe in the fact that you will be embraced by the same exact love that took Christ to and from earth. The very same. It is here for us. His love came for us. And we should want to be among the things it takes back home.

Word of the Day:  "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."
                                  ~2 Timothy 3:16-17

*This video was a little something I found throughout last week and it's just a little reminder of the love Christ truly has for us*

Sunday, December 22, 2013


    The 2013 science fiction, adventurous, and romantic movie The Host probably has to be one of my favorites. I will give you a little background here if you are unfamiliar with it. Warning tends to be a little far fetched. So the world viewed through the whole plot is a world in the future where humans no longer live. You are probably picturing a bunch of green aliens running around acting as humans on earth....well, not quite. The human race is not "overtaken" but occupied with these host's of other planets, and the only thing that changes is there personality basically. Every human still stays on earth with there body and they have no physical harm done. But theses host's come from several planets and stars that are eons away from earth. They way you can tell that they have successfully been occupied by the host is the change or eye color to an ice blue. Now of course this is like killing off a persons mind and whole inside being to the point that they are literally not themselves anymore. You can guess that there were uprisings and people that escaped the host's and their leaders. They don't buy into the idea that the host are to bring peace to the earth and we are to be one with them. That is where the main characters come in which are against the host's and are still fully human. Of course their is romance to keep it interesting and action to add some flavor. But the whole lesson lies in the host's. They are sent to the bodies to occupy them and basically live the same life day to day without much variation. They tend to almost act like robots at times because they are always happy with what they already have. All they have is a body, mind, and happy life so they are just along for the journey as wandering nomads in another persons body.

    Well, I told you the plot might sound a little out there and crazy to buy into but it did get me thinking. Thinking about the matter of being wandering nomads. I am sure we often feel like nomads in our very own lives. Like we wake up in the morning and really question what our lives leading to? Where are we leading ourselves to? And do I really know where I am going and getting into? It is crazy to think that, no we are not occupied by host's from some far off planet but yet are hearts often tell us that. We can often take signs as guiding lights as direction just like the wise men. When Jesus was born to the virgin Mary I think she knew how special her son truly was when wise men and animals and angels gathered around him in a barn! I mean that has got to be pretty scary enough to be pregnant without any sexual relations with your soon to be husband but then to be told that you are to the birth the SON OF GOD! I mean talk about a gigantic privilege. They were informed by angels sent by God how truly amazing this child was to be but I don't that quite came into motion until that night Christ was born.

    As Christ was sent down to earth through the process of becoming fully human along with being fully God. The wise men were led straight to Christ to worship and praise his coming. Just imagine wandering along. But actually let's go back in time even before that to the very setting of the discovery of where Christ was born. During this time King Herod was in rule and we had heard of the birth from the wise men. They had asked the King to go see the king for due praises with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The King was a little disturbed to where the Son of God was to be born in Bethlehem. So the wise men and the king sat down to talk about the exact time and place they saw the star rise symbolizing the King's birth. They then came to the conclusion that the wise men where to follow the star and find the Son of God their for worship. They were then to come back to the King so he can worship him as well. But as this turned out God had sent down a warning for Mary and Joseph to flew with the child because Herod was looking to find him and kill him.

    Here you have these wandering men and a well thought King. The ones that just saw the star wanted to go with their own will to praise the one to bring them salvation. Then you have the king that says he wants to "worship" the king but has the opposite in mind. The wise men wandered with themselves through the night looking for baby Jesus. They never stopped looking, well in fact they continually had their eyes on the star because that was their compass. That is so crazy to think that Christ made the star visible and important to the wise men so that the child would get his due praises. I mean the son of God was born into the world in a barn! Nobody would let them in for a safe delivery. But the shocking thing is that God would have it no other way. He did not ask to be brought in on a pearl carriage with his name carved on the side or to be wrapped in pure Egyptian silk. To be brought into the world like a King you will be raised and then praised like a King. And God was and is anything but a worldly King.

    We find ourselves wandering often through these questions and the true background of how Christ was born. It just baffles me in how amazing and divine it is to be asked for a part in this story. I may wander a little to much but Christ is what makes me be me through that wandering. I am truly glad I do not have the mind of those characters on The Host in that I am trapped inside my own body and I can't anything about it. Of course the host we would have occupy our bodies today would be sin and the devil. But I think just by looking at the Christmas story and the every being of the birth of Christ is a huge reminder that we can be above sin. We are to fill ourselves with Christ and let him be the host within us so that we are not just wanderers.

                      *Ruminate over the two choices we have as soon as we set foot on this earth:
1. We can allow sin and Satan to occupy ourselves to not be a part of this world. Being in our bodies but being silent for we are never worthy of being anything more. To die bound to sin with no way out.

2. Allow Christ to fill our every being and be a part of our lives. Have a relationship with the one person that occupies us but along with us. It is a partnership with the best partner in the world. To be born in sin but to have the chance to return to the arms of Christ for eternity because of his sacrifice.

    Think about if you are a wanderer through Satan or through Christ. Of course the second choice above is the one choice everyone would want but we need to stop to realize where are feet and heart are taking us daily. Do this daily and not just around Christmas time or when the New Year's resolutions are to come into play. Praise the Lord for he is good and he wants to share that with you! Refuse to be your own wanderer in your own body and let Christ set if free!

*I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a hopeful New Year for awesome comings of wisdom in the future*

Word of the Day: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me."
                                         ~Revelation 3:20

Sunday, December 15, 2013

One Gift

    We have all heard the saying that's Jesus is the reason for the season. And im sure you have all heard the controversial argument that people to to worry less about gift giving and start focusing on the true meaning if Christmas. I feel like this tends to be such a huge argument for people. If you walk I to a busy department store you will see those typical groups of people. You can look in one corner to see people buying a few things and not pushing the budget. But then you can look to see those crazy people that have their shopping carts filled to the rim with gifts and you can probably see there past receipts spilling all over the place. Now the level of the crazy shopper can vary but you know exactly what I am referring to. I laugh when I tell this because I'm pretty sure my whole family falls under the crazy shopper category. I have always been to used to being in a family that went overboard with the gifts. I guess because my family shows their love by just buying things for people.

    When it comes to the gift giving people have their own way around it. Some dont give at all and well some do. It seems as if the hustle and bustle of shopping veers our minds away from the true meaning. This isn't meant to say that people that buy everything don't find the true meaning in Christmas. No matter how long or how much we shop we can always loose sight of Christ. I guess the whole shopping thing got blown out of proportion when the whole black Friday thing started. I mean come on, what makes people more crazy than having a giant sale that you can only get if you come in at 3 am. But little does every shopper know....psstt the sales are always the same the next couple days! But unlike our chances with Christ...we might not get the same chance with his redemption the next day.

    Of course you can all see it coming what this lesson is leading to. Christ is the only gift we should be striving for. Now this might sound pointless to say that just because you buy Christmas gifts doesn't mean you won't receive the one real gift of Christ. It is the matter that we need to recognize how powerful and amazing the gift that Christ can bring not only during the Christmas season but every season.

    As we still have a week or so until Christmas...really take this to heart in what your one gift is. What one gift have you been making God as?

Word of the Day: "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
               ~Proverbs 15:1

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Rise and shine

    *Que scene*

Mom: "Get up its time! The school bus is about to leave! Your gonna miss it!"
Child: *groans*... "Just five more minutes"
Mom: "No now, they won't wait for you!"
Child: *sigh* "Fineeee"

    We all have been here and some worse than others. But matter how young or old you are. Do you truly like to jump right out of your warm and cozy bed everyday to do things you don't always like to do? Yeah we all have those days but we have those days (well I do at least) when we are just so excited for something on our lives that we don't mind the unreasonable time that requires our eyes to be opened. And for those that love the 5 am wake up call,well...your not human.

    But in all seriousness, we can take this matter along with get psyched through Christ. Just to know the matter that Christ can beat out the darkness on any given day tells us that we should be running out of bed. Of course this would be a lot easier if we got to bed on time. So when I look at this passage below I think of how awesome our God is and how crazy we are for not wanting that all the time. I mean yeah we can still be on fire for God at 8 am without having to break our sleeping habits. But when you get up, take each morning by the horns and say that you are going to make the light shine through the darkness above all else. It is such an encouragement to know that nations will come to our light to our lights. It is said that those that bring the light can look above them and see others coming after them because that is the way. The best way to describe this is of course the actions of a true leader. But our hearts throb and swell with joy once we do this because the wealth from Christ will flow through us. But should we do it just for the riches of Christ?

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you: your sons come afar, and your daughters are carried on the hip. Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come. Herds of camels will cover your land young camels of Midian and Ephah."

    As the Isaiah passage moves on it talks about us being like flying clouds. We move constantly and as we move through great parts of our lives, we collect people onto our journey. The most interesting part I noticed was that foreigners will rebuild your walls and their kings will serve you. Like what does that really mean? That when you attract other people of the world by your light they will serve you? Maybe it is just that. It shows that even outsiders from us will contribute to the rebuilding of Zion. But we can use this as an example that everyone has and needs the spot of rebuilding the kingdom here on earth through evangelism. We are called to always keep out gates ( our hearts, minds, arms, homes) open because their is always a time that one is thinking of coming to serve along side of us.

“Who are these that fly along like clouds, like doves to their nests? Surely the islands look to me; in the lead are the ships of Tarshish, bringing your children from afar, with their silver and gold, to the honor of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, for he has endowed you with splendor. Foreigners will rebuild your walls, and their kings will serve you. Though in anger I struck you, in favor I will show you compassion. Your gates will always stand open, they will never be shut, day or night, so that people may bring you the wealth of the nations—their kings led in triumphal procession. For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined. The glory of Lebanon will come to you, the juniper, the fir and the cypress together, to adorn my sanctuary; and I will glorify the place for my feet. The children of your oppressors will come bowing before you; all who despise you will bow down at your feet and will call you the City of the Lord, Zion of the Holy One of Israel."

    Now the biggest thing that holds us back from the evangelism is the matter of not being accepted. I mean even God himself was denied several times while being on earth as GOD! Even when we go through this God will make us the everlasting pride and joy through generations because we are the living proof of Christ. I think we need more and more of that each day because God seems to be nothing but invisible to others. We might not be in tight with others because of the vast difference between us and others but Christ is one fire to see the effort. When we seek true love through things foreign we can know that our Lord is Lord. I saw this first hand when I was in the Dominican and it was such a huge smile on my face when I felt the Lord shedding his light on us through people we never met.

“Although you have been forsaken and hated, with no one traveling through, I will make you the everlasting pride and the joy of all generations.You will drink the milk of nations and be nursed at royal breasts. Then you will know that I, the Lord, am your Savior, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob. Instead of bronze I will bring you gold, and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood I will bring you bronze, and iron in place of stones. I will make peace your governor and well-being your ruler. No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise. The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end. Then all your people will be righteous and they will possess the land forever. They are the shoot I have planted, the work of my hands, for the display of my splendor. The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.”

    I feel as if there wasn't one focus for today's message it was just a jump for joy saying get up and shine through your God because he has a whole lot of light for you to use for him. This is the passage of Isaiah 60. Take it to heart this week. Come back here throughout the week and ponder it, rip it apart, and think what it truly means to you and share it with someone. Tell yourself what it really means to "Rise and Shine" for Christ and are you really doing it?

Sunday, December 1, 2013


    Our body. It can go through so much in a lifetime.... Birth. Death. Love. Abuse. Hunger. Thirst. Lust. Marriage. Heartbreaks. Loss. Withdraws. Depression. Hate. Religious battles. Sickness. Health. Memories. Family...and so much more.

    These are very few of the feelings and things that we all encounter in one lifetime. Sometimes we make it.... and other times we don't. The journeys we go through are not meant to break us but to save us. When we go through these battle fields we often drag ourselves out and we tell ourselves WE barely made and that WE are just that much stronger. But have you ever noticed that we never come out of a battle the same? I think we often focus on the matter that the hard times are what can change us and almost force us to move on. The good times are what work counter actively with that as well. No matter what we go all leaves its mark on us.

    If we imagine our bodies and lives as empty canvases it makes so much sense. When we are born we have that empty canvas and what we go through and feel is what makes that first paint mark on our surface. It is just about impossible to get off or get rid of because our surface is something that molds to it's surroundings whether it is good or not. We then base our life and feelings off of what we go through. We let our earthly lives dictate. I often forget that this body and mind is not my own. Of course I know that I am here on a limit ticket and I was bought with a price of sin by Christ.

    You have heard the saying that our bodies were made in the image of Christ. And that we should keep our bodies pure for him and know that we are to reflect the kingdom of God. Of course we all strive to have the best of the best and be looked at without scorn. The first impression we make on others is how we look. We often care too much about the outside and not enough about what's on the inside.

    Christ calls us to such a great journey here on earth away from our true home. The way we dress and act reflects everything about us and ultimately the kingdom of heaven. Now this does not only apply for women. The bible does state,

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."
                   ~Proverbs 31:25

   Women are told traditionally that the way they are on the outside is what the men see. But what men dress themselves with is also how women perceive them. The bottom line is, it goes both ways. Our body is simply a temple for Christ and we need to take care of it. We need to always remember that whatever we do affects all of those around us and ultimately our kingdom. Let us be mindful that we are the temple of Christ.

"Don't you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple."

Reevaluate your actions, thoughts, putter appearance, and everything perceives of you. And ask I the true temple for Christ or for me?