Sunday, December 15, 2013

One Gift

    We have all heard the saying that's Jesus is the reason for the season. And im sure you have all heard the controversial argument that people to to worry less about gift giving and start focusing on the true meaning if Christmas. I feel like this tends to be such a huge argument for people. If you walk I to a busy department store you will see those typical groups of people. You can look in one corner to see people buying a few things and not pushing the budget. But then you can look to see those crazy people that have their shopping carts filled to the rim with gifts and you can probably see there past receipts spilling all over the place. Now the level of the crazy shopper can vary but you know exactly what I am referring to. I laugh when I tell this because I'm pretty sure my whole family falls under the crazy shopper category. I have always been to used to being in a family that went overboard with the gifts. I guess because my family shows their love by just buying things for people.

    When it comes to the gift giving people have their own way around it. Some dont give at all and well some do. It seems as if the hustle and bustle of shopping veers our minds away from the true meaning. This isn't meant to say that people that buy everything don't find the true meaning in Christmas. No matter how long or how much we shop we can always loose sight of Christ. I guess the whole shopping thing got blown out of proportion when the whole black Friday thing started. I mean come on, what makes people more crazy than having a giant sale that you can only get if you come in at 3 am. But little does every shopper know....psstt the sales are always the same the next couple days! But unlike our chances with Christ...we might not get the same chance with his redemption the next day.

    Of course you can all see it coming what this lesson is leading to. Christ is the only gift we should be striving for. Now this might sound pointless to say that just because you buy Christmas gifts doesn't mean you won't receive the one real gift of Christ. It is the matter that we need to recognize how powerful and amazing the gift that Christ can bring not only during the Christmas season but every season.

    As we still have a week or so until Christmas...really take this to heart in what your one gift is. What one gift have you been making God as?

Word of the Day: "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
               ~Proverbs 15:1

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