Sunday, December 22, 2013


    The 2013 science fiction, adventurous, and romantic movie The Host probably has to be one of my favorites. I will give you a little background here if you are unfamiliar with it. Warning tends to be a little far fetched. So the world viewed through the whole plot is a world in the future where humans no longer live. You are probably picturing a bunch of green aliens running around acting as humans on earth....well, not quite. The human race is not "overtaken" but occupied with these host's of other planets, and the only thing that changes is there personality basically. Every human still stays on earth with there body and they have no physical harm done. But theses host's come from several planets and stars that are eons away from earth. They way you can tell that they have successfully been occupied by the host is the change or eye color to an ice blue. Now of course this is like killing off a persons mind and whole inside being to the point that they are literally not themselves anymore. You can guess that there were uprisings and people that escaped the host's and their leaders. They don't buy into the idea that the host are to bring peace to the earth and we are to be one with them. That is where the main characters come in which are against the host's and are still fully human. Of course their is romance to keep it interesting and action to add some flavor. But the whole lesson lies in the host's. They are sent to the bodies to occupy them and basically live the same life day to day without much variation. They tend to almost act like robots at times because they are always happy with what they already have. All they have is a body, mind, and happy life so they are just along for the journey as wandering nomads in another persons body.

    Well, I told you the plot might sound a little out there and crazy to buy into but it did get me thinking. Thinking about the matter of being wandering nomads. I am sure we often feel like nomads in our very own lives. Like we wake up in the morning and really question what our lives leading to? Where are we leading ourselves to? And do I really know where I am going and getting into? It is crazy to think that, no we are not occupied by host's from some far off planet but yet are hearts often tell us that. We can often take signs as guiding lights as direction just like the wise men. When Jesus was born to the virgin Mary I think she knew how special her son truly was when wise men and animals and angels gathered around him in a barn! I mean that has got to be pretty scary enough to be pregnant without any sexual relations with your soon to be husband but then to be told that you are to the birth the SON OF GOD! I mean talk about a gigantic privilege. They were informed by angels sent by God how truly amazing this child was to be but I don't that quite came into motion until that night Christ was born.

    As Christ was sent down to earth through the process of becoming fully human along with being fully God. The wise men were led straight to Christ to worship and praise his coming. Just imagine wandering along. But actually let's go back in time even before that to the very setting of the discovery of where Christ was born. During this time King Herod was in rule and we had heard of the birth from the wise men. They had asked the King to go see the king for due praises with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The King was a little disturbed to where the Son of God was to be born in Bethlehem. So the wise men and the king sat down to talk about the exact time and place they saw the star rise symbolizing the King's birth. They then came to the conclusion that the wise men where to follow the star and find the Son of God their for worship. They were then to come back to the King so he can worship him as well. But as this turned out God had sent down a warning for Mary and Joseph to flew with the child because Herod was looking to find him and kill him.

    Here you have these wandering men and a well thought King. The ones that just saw the star wanted to go with their own will to praise the one to bring them salvation. Then you have the king that says he wants to "worship" the king but has the opposite in mind. The wise men wandered with themselves through the night looking for baby Jesus. They never stopped looking, well in fact they continually had their eyes on the star because that was their compass. That is so crazy to think that Christ made the star visible and important to the wise men so that the child would get his due praises. I mean the son of God was born into the world in a barn! Nobody would let them in for a safe delivery. But the shocking thing is that God would have it no other way. He did not ask to be brought in on a pearl carriage with his name carved on the side or to be wrapped in pure Egyptian silk. To be brought into the world like a King you will be raised and then praised like a King. And God was and is anything but a worldly King.

    We find ourselves wandering often through these questions and the true background of how Christ was born. It just baffles me in how amazing and divine it is to be asked for a part in this story. I may wander a little to much but Christ is what makes me be me through that wandering. I am truly glad I do not have the mind of those characters on The Host in that I am trapped inside my own body and I can't anything about it. Of course the host we would have occupy our bodies today would be sin and the devil. But I think just by looking at the Christmas story and the every being of the birth of Christ is a huge reminder that we can be above sin. We are to fill ourselves with Christ and let him be the host within us so that we are not just wanderers.

                      *Ruminate over the two choices we have as soon as we set foot on this earth:
1. We can allow sin and Satan to occupy ourselves to not be a part of this world. Being in our bodies but being silent for we are never worthy of being anything more. To die bound to sin with no way out.

2. Allow Christ to fill our every being and be a part of our lives. Have a relationship with the one person that occupies us but along with us. It is a partnership with the best partner in the world. To be born in sin but to have the chance to return to the arms of Christ for eternity because of his sacrifice.

    Think about if you are a wanderer through Satan or through Christ. Of course the second choice above is the one choice everyone would want but we need to stop to realize where are feet and heart are taking us daily. Do this daily and not just around Christmas time or when the New Year's resolutions are to come into play. Praise the Lord for he is good and he wants to share that with you! Refuse to be your own wanderer in your own body and let Christ set if free!

*I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a hopeful New Year for awesome comings of wisdom in the future*

Word of the Day: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me."
                                         ~Revelation 3:20

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