Sunday, January 13, 2013

Men will be Men

       "Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground..." is what is stated in Genesis 2:7. Just like women, men were created in such an amazing way by the hands of the Lord. When he created both men and women separately he also created special purposes for each individual. Last week I covered the purpose that a woman carries with her despite what the world inflicts on it. And this week we are going to focus on the purposes that a man of Christ carries with him.

       Men are to be viewed as the stronghold of the house or the one that fixes the broken things in a family. Men were created by God in an intentional way. God shaped man like a potter shapes a piece of clay. And just like's spirit came right from Gods breath. If you look back on creation both men and women were created out of the most simplest things that became so complex. Man came from dust...particles of dirt that just sits on the ground for things to trample on. And a rib which is just another bone within the human body. If you look closer, without dirt we wouldn't be able to grow anything on earth. There would be absolutely no original plant life on earth. Just like women, men get a lot of rap on what their earthly and spiritual duties are to be. When men are told that they are to go out and make all the money or protect the house 24/7 or that they need to pay all the bills or take care of the yard, they get slammed with a huge burden.
        Now some women might be thinking that if women are slammed with so much of their own duties then men should be able to take care of their duties as well. Well think of this...either if your a man or a woman I'm sure you have failed to do at least one of your everyday tasks. I know I have. And most of the time the personal things that an individual has to achieve themselves can't be done by anyone else but themselves. Which brings me back to my point. We have covered the fact that men are the masculine part of the world when it comes to the ability of duties. This isn't telling women that they need to stay in the kitchen or that men have this standard to live up to. It is simply stating that man was created to be the stronghold of the family. If you look back to very beginning of creation God had created man first and gave him set instructions.
         He simply told him the lay of the land he had just created and what it all needed to survive. He also explained to Adam that he would create a woman in God's likeness to be the pair of man. Here we see that man had set instructions to live by for the rest of eternity and little did we know, men still use it today! But once woman was created, God also gave her set responsibilities apart from man. So you see....we are to be set apart when it comes to our purpose due to our gender. I warn men to not abuse your duties and abilities. Yes,men are to be the strong figure of the household to rule the family. But they are to not abuse this by not letting the women in your life fulfill her purpose as well. What do I mean by this? Okay, man and woman have their own separate duties. They both know what they have to do and to be in order to finish their duties. If you gave a man's duty to a woman and vice verses, neither one of them would have any clue on where to even start! If we all switched responsibilities then nothing would get done in the Lord's name because we would have it all wrong. So listen up were created apart from women.
        You have a purpose to protect, serve God and your family, love, be "tough", build things, break and fix things, have a stable job, and anything else that defines manhood. But set this above all else....know that women were created with just as amazing purpose as you so let them fulfill their purpose with you fulfill yours. If your married show your wife the love that you were created for by protecting her and guiding her from unseen evil. Now everyone listen up...we are to work together as we were created. The other part of the creation is that once God created man and woman separated he wished that we would all work together as one. We would all come together every single moment of every single day to glorify him. So men don't get irate when a woman can do something better than you. And women don't get ticked when you can't do a man's job. Because we all a different piece of the puzzle that makes on picture. And that is the image of God over all the earth.

Wisdom: "But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand."
                                      ~Isaiah 64:8

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