Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring Cleaning

         As the weather gets warmer and the birds begin to chirp outside we all get that sense of renewal because we know that spring is coming. Just the fact that spring is coming gets us all in a rather chipper mood because we can be outside more and explore and just have fun since summer is coming soon. Now besides breaking out the old picnic table and the tradition of spring is to clean. Get rid of all the junk either in your garage, basement, or even your room. Wherever that unwanted amount of junk has been accumulating over the fall and winter, the upbeat feel of spring gets your butt in gear by telling it to get rid of all the junk. Now let's be many people actual do spring cleaning???? Exactly, not many. But that's the point not many people take time out of their life to get rid of the stuff they dread the most. Now you might be looking around your room, house, or even car and being thinking "well I really don't have THAT much junk that I could even get rid of." We all have those couple pairs of pants that swear we are going to get back into but little do we know that the pants are just outdated. What we really should be asking ourselves is if we know we have unwanted junk that just weighs us down then why don't we just get rid of it? Well that is just like saying why don't we resist sin all the time. The point is we can never give up things in our lives that easily even if its not good for us. I think that the things that hurt us the most and that aren't good for us are the hardest to get rid of. It sounds like a contradiction but the things that strive to ruin our lives the most want to continue doing that so therefore it makes it difficult to ever get rid of the things we need to clean out the most. The other fact is we don't always admit or accept the fact that we have things in our lives that need to be cleaned out of our lives. Our lives might seem like there is just so much junk that we don't know where to start. Well there is two ways we can tackle the mess. One: we can look at all the big problems in our lives that are just sitting around taking up space and kick them out. Two: we can tackle the small problems to clear the way for when you tackle the big ones. You might be wondering why is it so important that we get rid of these things. But I'm sure you have picked up by now that these useless, dead things that just sit in our lives are just taking up room that we could be filled with things we actual need and use today. Right now I want you to take your entire life and compress it to your mind. Think about what has built up over time and what still stands their today. Do the good and positive things leave a foothold in your life? Or is the unwanted junk clouding your mind and getting in the way for new things to come into your life? Over time everything thing that comes into your life seems to get old and we need to get rid of it. Getting rid of these things may not be the best choices which is why we need to recognize what is useful and what is useless. When the time comes that you get the feeling of some "spring cleaning" go ahead and get out the Swiffer and clean. You know it needs to be done every once and a while. Like I said, the things in your life tend to become old and useless but that doesn't mean that they were useless. The things in our lives come in for a reason at a certain time to fulfill their purpose according to our lives. But we all need to continue to grow so that is why we need to keep those memories so that we can bring in more things to continue on our journey. So don't second guess anything and repent what needs repentance and trash what needs to be trashed and fill in the empty space. Do some spring cleaning this year and make sure God knows about it because you can't do it without him. You need to make sure that it is in your heart for you to clean house because if its not time to let those things go on then they never finished their duty in your life. But most overall....clean out the shame, guilt, sinful habits, hatred, lust, jealousy, temper, and anything else that is making a mess in your life with God. Do not put this "spring cleaning" off until next year and then the next...just do it because there are so many things that are meant to jump into your life and you need to make sure there is room. And it also needs to be in good get rid of the junk. It is making a huge mess in your life.

Word of the Day: " Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me."
                                        ~Psalm 51:10