Sunday, April 7, 2013

Take Jesus out of Religion

       When we picture Jesus we think of religion. It is an automatic thought. But if you take Jesus out of religion then religion is nothing is it not? Religion is really what we call our relationship with God and that is not a bad thing. But when it becomes a bad thing...that is when it becomes a problem. Sometimes we need to separate Jesus from religion. Most of, or all of, us reading this are religious. Meaning we not only have a relationship with Christ but an understanding of him and we desire to take that beyond our hearts. Have you ever been one of those "religious people" that has caught yourself burning others. It is a brutal reality when you hear non-believers say that they don't believe in God because of religious people. This is because they come off as pushy or people that say one thing and do another. The only thing different between believers and non-believers is the fact that believers have God in their lives which puts them at huge advantages. But their is still a rift between the two types of people because of religion. Religion tends to set religious people in a bubble. When people say that they hate religion but love Jesus, this is what they are talking about. Being a follower of Christ is such a responsibility that brings so much joy but we can get caught up in that. It doesn't make any sense to say that being a great child of god can corrupt the mind. Don't view this lesson as a criticism session view this as a warning. The devil is so prominent that he interrupts our relationships with Christ so often. This not only causes everyone to sin but it causes confusion between our teachings. I think that we get so caught up on the fact that we are religious people that we tell ourselves that we are okay. It is awesome when we get to the point where we can help others but it is a bad sign when we hide our imperfections because we know that we have a religion so therefore we have the upper hand. We need to make religion an action from God. Don't put religion before God and say that religion defines us and Christ. Religion and Jesus are on totally opposite spectrum's because one is the cure and the other is the infection. The only reason that religion exists is because man made it. You can have God and worship him without anything else. It is said that Jesus literally hated religion because it made us his enemies because we would just be following some rules. Jesus himself can abolish religion. We think that religion is so great but look around to see how much it has destroyed. Religion is mentioned in marriage, abortion, drugs and alcohol, war, gay marriage, and virtually anything in this world. Religion is sly because it doesn't get down to the core of things, Jesus does. And to get caught up in religion is not being a child of God because we start to worry about the face that religion has us carry around but this doesn't tell who we truly are. The number one place where religion takes hostage is the church. From the outside looking in, the church is seen as a holy place where all the saints of Jesus go but really it is a place where all the broken and sinful people go. No one would ever admit it using those words because it makes Christians look weak, which we are because everyone is, but as a religious person that is part of the appearance. Back in biblical times God was slandered by religious people because their religion held them on a pedestal which they couldn't get down from to worship at the feet of God. Religion can and will work against God because it was made by man to be infectious. I'm not telling you not believe in God. I am warning you to love God and worship by becoming his child through him directly not religion.

Word of the Day: " They have known me for a long time and can testify, if they are willing, that I conformed to the strictest sec of our religion, living as a Pharisee."
                                                                         ~Acts 26:5


  1. I totally agree. Sometimes 
    religion gets in the way of walking with Christ. Just the other day saw a new church in westminster called church 3.0 and on the window it said church of the non religious. At first i thought boy that is a oxymoron. Why would u need a church if u are not religious but am wondering if it is more along your message. Walk with JESUS.

  2. Yes its such an oxymoron but the more and more you think about it, it makes us think twice about how we call ourselves "religious". Maybe more churches need that sign hmm
