Sunday, July 20, 2014


This may sound weird and kind of rude to hear. That we need to focus on ourselves. Yes I said it…ourselves and nobody else. Now this is coming off pretty bad, right? I mean, our whole lives we are taught how to always be looking out for others. Because nothing ever comes from being selfish! God tells us in Philippians 2:4 “Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” So it does say to look out for ourselves but others as well, in an equal state of mind. So where exactly am I going with this focusing on ourselves thing? Well…has your faith ever been in such confusion that you can’t find the answers?

            We are all put into these times when we can’t make sense of our own relationship with God! These times are hard to work through but most importantly they are hard to face alone. He has meant for us to never be alone. Even when this world and the people in it abandon us the Lord never does.  But think back to the last troubled time that you had and what your first action was. Chances are you probably went to someone you trust to give you the advice you either need or want to hear. Or you will go to the Lord for guidance. But most of the time I think we notice us going to Christ second.

            I have heard this guilt trip several times to run to Christ for the ultimate guidance. But have you ever heard to trust yourself? To think about yourself and not others? I also bet that when you think about this concept you don’t think about God being included in it?

            Try to think about a busy driven life. You are constantly surrounded by life and commotion. This drains on you and even being in a awesome Godly group you sometimes have to get your own space. I am not trying to say that God wants your worship to be secret and to yourself. He calls you to discover things with your brother in Christ then to spread that through missions or evangelism but He also has different things you get when it’s just you and Him. Having to be able to both of these things equally will create a good balance in your life because you are able to understand yourself a part from everything else.

            I remember back to my second Dominican trip and realize how I was surrounded by so many of my missions team but how I was so close to just God. When there was mass worry and chaos around us I had looked up to the sky that night to notice the moon and how calm it was and the stars as they had shown their beauty. It sounds corny I know! But that is where I found Him. It was in that moment that I knew I wasn’t sure of who was returning home from our team but one thing I did know was that I wouldn’t return the same. And I was more than okay with that because it was in that time that I was able to tune out the chance of extreme disaster to find myself and it was there that I found Christ.

            There is a part of your mind that you can actually hear yourself. To actually look at yourself as well…yourself. Being able to understand what your feeling and what God is showing you. And what you want or need and just what you are going through. This is such a freeing sense of mind. Think back…do you ever remember a time where you were just alone with, you? Sounds like some channeling your inner peace and that yoga would be easier. But as cheesy as it sounds, this is rather important. If you can’t find yourself a part from what worldly things you are in than what are you? If you aren’t able to sit back and just reflect with yourself then how can you find God? He is based at the central heart of your body and that is where you can find yourself without any other voices. This creates an image of yourself being one with Christ and that is the best picture you could ever imagine.  

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
~Romans 12:2

“But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private.”
~Matthew 6:6

            It is not that we can’t be real around other people it is that this world distracts us. It takes away our focus often and it will twist what we think we are asking for in the first place. Challenge yourself this week to take a walk with nothing but you and God, your dog can come. Or sit back and relax with just yourself. Or go to that beautiful park you always pass and just sit with yourself. You will start to find out that being alone isn’t as bad as you think. Don’t think of this as a typical quiet time, though you should still do them! Think of it as not only chilling with friends but it is just you and the Lord to ultimately listen to what your heart has to say.

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