Sunday, July 1, 2012

Appearance vs. God

   How long does it take you to get dressed in the morning? How about when you are going out with your friends? Now if you’re a woman I’m sure your thinking at least a half hour because you can’t just throw on some sweat pants and a t-shirt to go on a date. We take time to get ready to look and smell nice because there is always a part of us that wants to impress people. But sometimes we worry about what others think so much that it begins to consume us. When we consume ourselves with that worry we clothe our self with something were not. This is when we let the outside influence take control of our true self that is on the inside. God does not care what you look like on the outside, even though you worry about your weight or your hair or what you’re wearing. That means no harm to God. All that He looks at is what is really underneath it all. He cares about what is in your heart. He knows what you really feel and what you really mean when on the outside, you could be showing something totally different and most people wouldn’t know. So why do we hide our true feelings from society when they are good? It’s because we naturally want to be looked at like were “normal”. But why would you want to be “normal”? I’m challenging you to go against “the norm” this week and to show who you really are. Because God adores those who care about what’s on the inside. You could be 6 foot tall, Taylor Swift hair, 106 pounds, and have it all but what most people don’t realize is that most of those people don’t have it all together on the inside. Or those people may not even know the Lord or be happy with their appearance! No matter who you are we all where a veil that either hides who we are or who we should be. So take off the veil! And stop consuming your time in worrying about what you should look like and start jumping into Gods word. Starting consuming yourself with how God sees you, but DON’T worry about His judgment because He has none.  You may think that you look good on the outside but those “good looks” don’t always run too deep. You will be surprised at how much better your life will be and feel when you are good from the inside out.

 “ But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”  ~ 1 Samuel 16:7


  1. I feel like I'm reading a book!! This is so amazing Kaitlyn! :) It's so easy for girls to get wrapped up in their physical appearance, and this was such a great reminder and challenge to focus more on our souls.

  2. Thank you!! This is really encouraging to hear:) And yes that is very true and when I found this verse it really just gave me a reminder.
