Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fattening the Soul by Sin

   Did you know that in order to burn of one M&M you have to walk the length of a football field and back? One little M&M!! So whenever I eat those delicious bite size candies, I always feel like I need to run a football field 20 times. Whenever I eat something really good I regret it because I automatically know that whatever I just ate was not only extremely delightful but probably extremely fattening. Or I just love it when you think your going all healthy by eating a salad and its 450 calories, then you look at it like its crazy for being THAT many calories! I mean its lettuce, that should be a free-be, right? Unfortunately, fatty foods fatten up our bodies and make them slow. I was always told that food was "a moment on the lips and a lifetime on the hips!" Its true though! You eat great looking food in hope that it will taste as good as it looks, but that's were we become blind sided. If you view sin as a great big value meal, you may lunge right toward that appealing meal. You might think to yourself, "well if it looks that great, it will probably make me feel that great." And then you eat it, but only to find that later on "sin" isn't to kind with giving out heartburn. Sin naturally looks appealing to us. Really examine that phrase...sin and appealing were used in one sentence to describe each other. I mean who in their right mind would give into sin if they knew that it would ruin their life for the absolute worst??? Yeah... I don't think anybody would. So how do we recognize the appealing version of a choice, which is sin, and the right but challenging choice. We need to ask God to change our hearts. Our hearts and our minds are the most vulnerable to sin, so choose wisely who you let in. Never be fooled by outward appearances, they might seem like its the best thing in the world but as soon as you let that in. It takes over you and slows down your whole body which will keep you from reaching God. Don't let sin and Satan call the dibs on your heart and mind. He has already taken enough from this world. And don't classify sin and appealing as words that are grouped as one because they contradict each other. But has the phrase " appealing sin" ever stopped us from sinning? Of course not. I warn you that if you don't dig deeper to see right below the surface that the sin will entice you to thinking it is all you need. Just like when we eat the big quarter pounder we know, once we eat it, that it was not a very healthy choice. But we don't care about that once we decide to eat it. Before you decide to take a bite, take a good look at it because you will find many flaws that will become your flaws but even bigger. Don't buy into sins ad campaign to eat your soul, it is a recipe for disaster. Prevent sin from getting in your way of life or of worshiping your God.

P.S So put down the fries and don't go to McDonald's for week and try to apply this to your everyday life.... think of sin as equalling fat.

Word for the Day:  "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."
                                                     ~Hebrews 12:1

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