Friday, July 13, 2012

Below the Surface

    During Christmas time there is always an intense amount of gift wrapping. You spend weeks just staying up late to wrap all of the latest gadgets for a certain person in your life to celebrate the birth of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Most of the time we are automatically appealed to the present that is given to us. Because its wrapped in your favorite character or a wonderful scene of winter. And it just always seems to get you in the mood. But have you ever unwrapped a gift and hated it?? I'm sure this has happen to everyone. Either because the person that bought it just didn't follow your wish list or you never gave it to them. Either way when you get a horrible gift there is always a lack of communication. But there really is no way you could ever see it coming, unless they told you what they got you. Well this same idea applies to scripture. I love to find a good bible verse and read it and sometimes understand it but all that's matters is that, well God just gave me some brownie points! I realized this past week that this is one huge point of conviction for me. When you read scripture you should always go in with the mind set that whatever your reading about should always apply to your life in some way. Make sure that you ALWAYS apply your readings to your life. Yes, God loves when we just dig into His word but what good does it do to our faith if we don't apply it? The goodness of His grace and mercy isn't fully understood and it may never go into action. I challenge you this week to not just read into His word more, and I pray that you strive to have quiet times with Him everyday, but to take that and expand it physically. When we read His words that's doing 50% of the praise we are to do of Him, scripture wise. And we need to fill the rest of that 50% with understanding and application of His words in our everyday lives. Then if we are only really doing 50 % of it, then we are never truly knowing all of Gods power! I challenge you to not just start doing this and focus on it for the week, but to hear this and learn from it and do it from now on. I need to work on it myself, understanding His words completely wont come in a day but working at it everyday will bring it upon you.

Need prayer??? Let me know, I would love to pray for you!

P.S: I am writing to you late on a Friday night because in 4 hours I will be on my way to Chicago for a week long missions trip with my missions team. I ask that you could please pray for our safe travels and that we find the wisdom of Gods grace to be able to effectively bring others to Christ. Thank you!

Matthew 22:29 "Your mistake is that you don't know the scriptures, and you don't know the power of God."

John 5:39 " You search the scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the scriptures point to me!"

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