Sunday, October 14, 2012

He only sees

      My apologizing for not being quick and trough in my blogs brings me to my lesson for the week. I have not been obedient in the word. Not doing quiet times and talking to God is something that thousands of followers of Christ struggle with everyday. It’s something we can’t control…but yet we can. We can’t control the part where we get caught in that struggle but we can control our actions leading up to that. I have found that once I don’t do a quiet time or my daily prayer, which just starts a downward journey. I don’t have much to say this week about this topic. But I will attach a video so you can see that even though you put God on the back burner He will always be the burning passion in your heart if you embrace it. We often don’t do our duties of Christ because of getting distracted by friends or relationship problems or things that we find better than worshipping God. There is many times where we make mistakes and do things that we don’t think about before we do it. No matter what we do God always shows us forgiveness and He is there for us when we aren’t there for Him. God is the only one that sees and knows your motives. I dont have a challenge for you this week because you are going to make one for yourself, make a challenge that will test you beyond measures through God.

I hope you enjoy this!


  1. Great video, thanks for sharing that! Being quiet before God is such a challenge in a crazy fast paced world. BUT oh soo worth it! Let's keep encouraging each other to not give up :)

  2. Hey your welcome!!! Thanks for reading even though it wasn't too great this week. And yes that is so true thanks for those words! :)
