Sunday, November 4, 2012

Romney vs. Obama

         Wherever you go I'm sure you see signs about the election. The signs might be hanging or in the ground or flashing on a billboard. But not matter what they always get your attention about a certain candidate like either Obama or Romney. And not only do you see these persuasive signs lining the road but you hear them on the TV or the radio and ads are plastered all over the Internet. Now these signs might not make or break your voting decision but they always seem to stick in your mind for a little bit. The main goal of a campaign is for a running individual to prove to the whole world that they are all that they need to run things smoothly. I myself have not watched the debates but I am sure several of you have. And I have heard that it was made very clear that Romney often held the holding ground on Obama. I think that's so crazy that even though Obama is the current President of the United States, Romney still managed to leave Obama speechless. After the first debate CBS News had stated "The first presidential debate of the 2012 general election cycle may have been the best night of Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. Romney entered the debate trailing the president in polls of battleground states, giving him incentive to be aggressive in order to close the gap against President Obama. And he was indeed aggressive, trotting out the much-discussed "zingers" he prepared ahead of time ("As president you're entitled to your own house, your own plane, but not your own facts") and repeatedly attacking Mr. Obama's record. He was enough of an alpha presence on stage that critics quickly took to attacking the debate moderator for letting Romney dictate the flow of the debate - despite the fact that he actually spoke for about four-and-a-half minutes less than the president." When you read most critics reports you read it with the mind set that all they say is not true. But a news report like CBS or CNN, you will most likely believe especially when it comes to politics. When you read this news report though...there is a sense of criticism towards Obama. Reports like this might sway your mind from your original vote just because some one else gave their opinion on it. There are plenty of people in this world that vote without even caring or vote for the candidate that looks or talks the best. Or you vote for the person that you were told to vote for by your parents standards or even your spouses standard. Ill admit, I have never been big on politics and I always thought we never needed a President because we had already had God. Well as much as I want God to physically be the President of the US, that is out of our control. Or is it? This Tuesday many of you will go to a certain place at a certain time to vote for a certain person of your interest. But when you go into that both and shut that curtain, who are you bringing in besides yourself? Are you bringing in the report off of CBS News? Or the report of a harsh critic you read the night before? Or are you bringing the vote that your parents would put down? Some people are told to always vote republican or democrat because their father or mother has raised them that way. But really your father has never raised you that way. God may not be sitting in the plush leather chair of the oval office making the calls for the US, but He is sitting in a much higher seat making the calls for the whole world. For most of you God is probably not the first thing that comes to mind while you are voting... but why can't you bring him into the booth with you while you vote? Even though being President is a materialistic thing of this sinful world which will fade away. The decisions made shape the outcome of our world. This lesson isn't to hound you about making the "right vote" for the better of humankind. Its about showing you the difference of a vote with God and without God. It often seems as if when the Presidents are brought into the light, they automatically get eaten apart by the world and their flaws because so much more visible to the world. And this effects what there are to ultimately do for the world. God is also in high authority and he never lets the the hate of the world attack his heart. The Presidents are no different from us and so they sin just like us. This is why we need to go to God for guidance on elections because God sees and knows the motives of each running candidate. He knows who is fit for the job and he knows what that person will do the next couple of years to keep his world running. For those of you that are voting this week....think with God, not against him. And even if you cant vote, pray for the wisdom of God to take control of every ones heart while making their vote. In the end we shouldn't be casting a vote for the people of this world. We should be casting all of our votes full heartily to our Lord, Jesus Christ to spread his word around the world like a virus.

Word of the Day: "And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires."
                                                                      ~2 Peter 1:4

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