Sunday, December 9, 2012

Love Story

          Yesterday I turned the TV on to expect all those movies that you never hear of until Christmas. I ended up watching a movie about this girl that comes home from her busy life to see her mother. When she comes home she finds out that her high school reunion is going on while she is at home for the holidays. Of course she ends up running into her best guy friend that was always their for her but she always failed to see the love he had for her. But she kept chasing that football star that claims to have always "loved" her. I didn't get to finish the whole movie but I can probably tell you that she ends up getting with her best friend that treats her how a woman should be treated and she comes to her senses about what high school was really about. See I can almost perfectly predict that because all of those Christmas movie specials all end in a miracle. Now when we think of a miracle I think we all automatically think of love. Because of love being so hard to get through we associate love with magic and miracles. But an over load of those love movies about Christmas always made me wonder why just show these movies at Christmas time?! I mean if we all can "relate" to them so much and we always want miracles in our lives then why aren't those movies the only ones that are played? But what other miracle happens at Christmas? Of course its the birth of Christ. Now do you see the connection between all of those Christmas movies and the birth of Christ? These love stories are very different from each other. I think as humans we strive to find somebody for ourselves because we fear of being alone. This is the same thing with our relationship with God. Have you ever just cried to God that he would be there for you because you were scared that he wasn't there or that he was leaving you? Just like finding love, we all hope that a miracle happens between us and God. When God was sent to earth and born of the virgin Mary, he brought all the love possible. Just stop and visualize the job of loving everyone unconditional and how important and just amazing that impact was!!! I'm sure that little baby Jesus won the hearts of Mary and Joesph along with everyone in the world....a savior was born!!! Our world had never seen such a special person before God on earth! So what happened...everyone fell in love with him. Going back to the Christmas movies about love and miracles. I know how hard it is not to buy into all those movies that just warm your heart about finding that special someone for the holidays. I want you to realize how much you have fallen for the love story of Jesus Christ. Have you fallen for his love? Do you know of it? When your going through the holiday festivities and you feel all the love around you. Stop and just be in awe over the love that God has brought the earth and your heart will light up. Fall for God and he will show you the miracles! What joy is it to see the love story that God has created in us all! I want to challenge you to watch those Christmas love movies (warning they may be cheesy!) and use that as a tool to see how, just like looking for love, that finding God is a miracle. I have to admit that I never knew why I always loved to watch those movies and I would always think to myself how funny it was that December became the month of love. Then it hit me...God was born in December and he is love! Everyone yearns for love like I said just like we often do for God, and boy is it more than any normal relationship! Fall in love with God this holiday and choose to fall for his might be surprised to see that he is the best partner you will ever have.

Word of the Day: "I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me."
                                                   ~Proverbs 8:17

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