Sunday, February 17, 2013


    Being a child seemed like a time that was acceptable to have dreams. To have the idea that one day your gonna be a princess or your gonna be the next pop star. Once we grow up those dreams may come a reality but they also might go down in flames. Right now if you were to take a sheet of paper and record every single dream you ever wanted up until today, I sure you could sit back and laugh at some them. Or you might look at some and think....what am I waiting for? I have touched base before on not waiting to make the next move in the spiritual part of your life. Because we shouldn't wait for the "right time"...the truth is, there never is a right time. We can never control when we are going to have a dream. I'm sure you've heard of all the things you can eat or do right before you go to bed in order to have a dream. I'm sure you've also heard that your dreams are just a glimpse of people and things that you know. Most times when we dream it's not only about something we already know but it shows us what we want to happen with a certain person or thing. As a person of faith you know that even when we dream that doesn't mean that God is gonna give it to us. But it should be worth a try right? I say its worth more than a try. When we picture God deciding what he wants for us I'm sure we all picture God doing a bunch of paperwork that determines every ones due responsibilities. But did you ever view it as...God is making his dreams come true? Once God sends down his individual plans to each of us he is also casting down his dreams. Yeah sure God can make anything happen if he wants...but he can't make you follow what you've been given. He can put the right situations and people in your life at a certain time but unless you recognize those things and take action on them. They will only remain dreams. Let's go back to your list of dreams...look at it carefully. What do you see? If it's written or in your head...your dream list is more realistic than you think it is. If going back to school is on the top of your list, what's holding you back? Money? Time? Family? Life? Or if becoming a writer steals your heart when is comes to dreaming...why don't you make it happen? Even if you are tired of living a life that seems dead where you are now, why not move to that place that makes you feel whole? Why? WHY NOT?

  We all down play ourselves as just being humans. Well yeah, we are just humans but we are humans that were made out of an extraordinary design. And if you think for a minute that your dream is way to far to catch...then your wrong. Because your denying Gods wisdom. Where do you think your dreams come from? The Sand-Man? Mother nature? Tinkerbell? Yourself???? How about God. I could be wrong but I believe that our dreams are way too close to what are life is SUPPOSE to be like. I'm not saying that if one wishes to become a murder that that's a dream sent from God. You can depict Godly dreams from earthly dreams any day. So God gives us our what. He gives us a lot of things but that doesn't mean that they play out. Most of your dreams don't play's not everyday that you get signed a deal at a recording label. But you know what...if it's a burning desire in your heart that you just can't let go because you strongly believe that God has set it in your heart. I say follow it. FOLLOW IT! God gives us dreams so that we know what our life is to be like and if our dreams don't work out he never stops from dreaming. If you step back and look at the business of entertainment. Songwriters such as Taylor Swift or actors such as Anne Hathaway or even evangelists such as Joyce Meyers. Every single one of those people came through several steps to become who they are today. Did you know that Taylor Swift first got into the music market by becoming a songwriter? Or did you know that Joyce Meyers was a abused before she stood up in front of thousands to share the gospel that lies on her heart so heavily? Every popular icon came a long way from what they once were. And I can guarantee that they looked at their list of dreams and thought psshhh yeah that's never gonna happen! To some degree they were right because it wont happen if you sit there and just stare at the list. I'm sure we all wish it was that easy but its not. The journey to the things we want most is what teaches us the most. We are all dreamers. Those that have there dreams come true once had a dream that seemed impossible. Just let that soak in. EVERYONE dreams and only about half of us follow them. I don't want to go all Disney magic on you...but no dream or goal is ever too big for you to make your own. God has set things in your heart for a reason and even if money or time or family goes against you in what your gut tells you. He will then soon show you what gives you the ultimate prize in the end. We should be asking ourselves WHY don't we follow the dreams God "sets"  in our minds instead of always asking how am I ever gonna make this dream come to life. Evaluate your dreams, your motives, and what holds you back. What you truly NEED is what you truly will want. Follow your ambitions even if they seem to far to even consider. God didn't create a careful people, in fact he looks down a realizes that we are now a dangerous people. So be dangerous in the Lords name by setting his dreams, that he has so graciously set in your mind, into motion. Remember that he gave them to you for a reason. Don't make God do all the work by bringing heaven down to a bitter world start bringing the world to him. Your gonna need to figure out your dreams, evaluate them, pray over them, maybe even cry at times, be in awe at them, and make it happen.

Word of the Day: " You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream..."
                                                ~C.S. Lewis

Check this's a little pep talk ;)