Sunday, February 10, 2013

Those with the Feathery Wings

       When we think about the followers of Christ we automatically think of people here on earth. Yeah that makes sense but what about those beyond this earth? The ones I'm talking about are messengers, protectors, fallen, and are a type of Christ. You often have heard of these special people in your childhood when Jonah was in the whale or when David was in the lion's den. These things always seem to be there when were surrounded by trouble. We think that God can't protect us all the time so we picture God sending these little "things" to fly down to surround us. Then we automatically think that we are safe and were fine. If you haven't guessed already these "things" are angels. We often use angels to top our Christmas trees or to decorate our greeting cards. Or you see them attached to a car visor that protects you while you are driving. Angels get the rap of something that protects us... we can't all physically see angels but they are all around us. It's hard for people to think that Satan was ever an angel. I always thought it was so hard to look at something that became so evil that was once so good. That right there is the prime example of a fallen angel. But if you really think about it...aren't we all fallen angels. God wanted to create this world with a sinless record but he knew there would be a change of plans. We are always going to be sinful but we will always be those fallen angels somehow. When you live in this world it's hard not to become fallen. Angels are like God's mascot. They are the one's that spread their feathery wings out beyond their stark white dressings. But angel's are so much more than that...they are so hard to depict because they are so mysterious but they bring us such great news. They brought Jesus followers comfort when they thought their God was truly gone once he was hung on the cross. No matter how tough the situation is the angel delivers the message of "do not fear, for the Lord is with you". I think that angels are sent to us daily. They might not be the picturesque angel with the big white wings standing right next to us. But when we hear that song about forgiveness on the radio right after fighting with our friend or when you just got fired from your job and that night you get a call from your friend saying how he needs help running his sinking business. These thing may not happen to everyone or they might seem like consciences. But they aren't. These things happen for a reason and I always knew they were a sign from God. When we go through times where we don't talk to God or we claim that we don't have time for him anymore. Many great religious leaders will claim that when you go through a period of silence with God, he will also act the same to you. God will never abandon you but when you abandon Him he wont be as prominent as usual and that's where angels come in. The physical things on earth are the things that amaze us... the people that we meet, things we do, things we say, what we see. I think that's angels working around us. That's fair to say because angels aren't mystical creatures that you think that just come down. They aren't just in a fairytale. Their real.

Angel's in different forms:
*As a messenger: "Don't be afraid, Mary," the angel told her, "for you have found favor with God!" ~Luke 1:30
* As a protector: "For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go." ~ Psalm 91:11
* Fallen: " Then the king will turn to those on the left and say, ' Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his demons.' " ~Matthew 25:41

Word of the day:  " Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And let peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
                                                       ~Philippians 4:6-7

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