Sunday, March 30, 2014

Safe Thoughts

    It's easy to focus on the great things in life. Why would we want to focus on death when we have life? Why would we want to focus on divorce when we have marriage? Why would we want to focus on destruction when we have sunny skies? See, all those things are not pleasant things but they seem so horrible when we encounter them because half the time in life we don't face them. I am not pointing fingers and calling anyone a baby here...this is the matter of life that we have become conditioned to curl up to the sight of fearful things. Now, we have all been through horrible times and what not. But can you remember the time getting to that place? I bet there was a lot of drawing back and running for shelter or something more comforting. It is a horrible feeling when you can not confide in anything around you. Nobody wants to be uncomfortable!

    It sounds crazy to put into writing but one of my fears is death. I know what life after death is for a child of Christ. I think into it so much that I begin to scare myself of being in eternity of a place where I am, but yet not fully, myself. Of course I have several other fears but this seems to be the biggest of them all. It might sound silly or even alarming but who doesn't wonder what the end is actually going to be like? Just like any of my fears, I do not like facing them. But of course that is quite ironic that in order for our fears to not be fears, we must face them.

    Facing our fears is probably the hardest thing we have to do. But why do we have to face them??

The problem comes along when our insecurities define us and control our lives. I have seen people be so restricted by what they are scared to confront that they end up not living their lives truly. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7) God does not want us to mull our way through life dodging everything we can't face. When I try to face my fears or am even remotely close to it I simply doubt myself on conquering it. But then I look at verses like this one and try to tell myself what awesome traits God had create me in. And that he wants me to have a spirit of power and not fear. Now this doesn't mean that he wants me to have power over him and this earth, but over the things that encase us. He calls us to not be slaves of our sins so we can be full of love and self-discipline. 

"So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you." (Deuteronomy 31:6)

    The number one reason why we are able to seem like our life is all peachy is by thinking of the good things only. Of course it is easy to shrink back from reality but we must face the wind. It is in these times that we grow the side of ourselves that help protect us from this sinful world. We don't need to try to face the hardest dangers head on but rather stare them down. We never to be able to reveal them in order to be remotely okay with them.

Word of the Day: "Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him."
                                                                  ~John 14:21

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