Monday, May 5, 2014

Holy Spirit Series Part 1: So What is It?

“You cannot come to Christ unless the Spirit of God brings you. But what if you ignore His warnings? Then you are in the gravest danger, for some day God will no longer be speaking to you. Then it will be too late. Come to Christ while there is still time. Christ, God's greater Ark, stands ready to welcome you to safety today.” 

            The Holy Spirit sounds a bit confusing. What does a spirit have to do with God? I thought that spirits were more of a ghost thing and aren’t ghost haunting? So is God really all that great if he is a part of a Holy Spirit?

            If you sit back and really view this you can see that the whole idea of the Holy Spirit is really confusing. Can you imagine looking in on the whole God and religion thing and being told that these people not only follow this amazing man that you can’t see but then a spirit as well? Maybe they call him the Holy Spirit to make it sounds good? I don’t know about you but if I was a true nonbeliever I would have so many questions about God and who he is but I don’t think those questions would put a dent in the number I have as a believer. Yeah, sure we have the head start being a follower and knowing what the talk is all about. But do you think we are just as clueless as those that want no part in Christ about the Holy Spirit?

            I am being a little dumb and kind of presumptuous today aren’t I. Just assuming that every believer out there does not know the whole truth about the Holy Spirit. I just cannot seem to fully rap my head around the idea that anyone could fully understand Christ and the Holy Spirit. He so wonderfully and fearfully made. Everything about Him screams mystery and love and eternity that it is just so overwhelming. I find it terrifying but yet a beautiful mystery to know that our God has this many dimensions to him. This backs up the very matter that he is able to love us beyond the measures.

            God and the Holy Spirit are both a part of the wonderful and fearfully made part. But let us focus on the Holy Spirit aspect of it all. Keep all the ideals and teachings you have ever had of the Holy Spirit all the way back until grade school bible class. Everything matters and is a piece to the puzzle.

            My whole life I have been told that prayer is more powerful than anything on this earth. It could repair a marriage, heal a sickness, or even bring a nation back to life. But prayers need action. I don’t want to run off on a tangent about how stinkin awesome prayer is but how I have neglected it. My life has been in a huge rut because I honestly tell myself that I have hashed out the main lessons of the Bible and Christ that I do not know how much more I could possibly learn and this lesson has shown me just that. I have so much more to learn beyond imagination. The Holy Spirit is so simply to look at and adapt but so incredibly hard to understand to the fullest.

            As Billy Graham explained above, as well as several others, we are filled with the Holy Spirit. So how exactly can we be filled with the Holy Spirit when we can’t even feel it? Those things we call emotions and feelings how such a power over our lives to the extent that they are even better than actual actions. It’s so crazy to think about but it is what connects us to Christ and the Holy Spirit. Now, I talk as if Christ is one person and the Holy Spirit is another. Some of you might be reciting the matter of the Trinity. The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit as one. It is just like saying love is God and God is love.

             I think we often view our faith as something separate from Christ. Yeah that sounds weird because he is the one we have the faith in but yet do you know we call it our faith? Well sure it is, we have the faith in Christ. But who do you think gave us that faith? It sounds weird to say that we have faith in Christ because he gave us the ability to have faith in Him. Or does it really sound that weird? For me, seeing this all down on paper allows me to realize the Holy Spirit filling me is what gave me the ability carry that super power we all like to call faith. 

             It is the Holy Spirit that allows us to feel and know that God exists. The spirit fills us with the ability to be the feet of Jesus here on earth. It is not just another "ghost" but God in another form and way to spread His grace. You can't ask "Show me the Holy Spirit" because you would have billions upon billions of followers in front of you. It is not a person you can see but things that you see it through. Is it being shown through you?

"As Jesus came up out of the water, he saw the heavens splitting apart and the Holy Spirit descending on him like a dove."    ~Mark 1:10

Word of the Day: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight."
                           ~Proverbs 9:10

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